In my case, not only do I have the necessary tasks, daily, I have to battle with my creativity. So many ideas. I don't get single bulb ideas, I get chandeliers of light bulbs over my head.
What normally happens is there is so much rolling around in my brain, that I get overwhelmed: Writing ideas, crochet projects, organization projects, business plans. Not to mention actually working to earn real money. (I am a scheduler with A Closer Look Mystery Shopping and I do mystery shops for several firms.) On top of that, I have grocery shopping, cooking, dish washing, laundry, finding time to work-out a few minutes every day, and sleeping.
From what I have read, to be truly effective, I have to set up a routine and make deadlines for myself. I'd rather chew on glass, however, there is merit to this suggestion. This is, I am most creative in the morning, but that is when so many of the "ordinary" tasks take up precious time. Better if I would ignore my mother's voice in my head telling me I have to make the bed and clean the kitchen before doing anything enjoyable.
I don't get single bulb ideas, I get chandeliers of light bulbs over my head.
Ideally, I would get up, make coffee and toast, then slam out two hours of solid creativity before making the bed and cleaning the kitchen. I could work on those new crochet patterns, write stories, create a business plan, mentally organize my closets.
Then, I could do my job, which is repetitive and not terribly creative. Then, after working a few hours, I could work on the actual crochet project. Another repetitive task that is closely akin to meditation.
Yes, I think this is a good plan.
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