Chronicling the steps to creating a SUCCESSFUL life.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sign up for Stuff

If you take a look on the right side of this page, you will see a Gadget that reads, "Sign Up for Cool Stuff."   That is exactly what I would like for you to do. Sign up to receive a periodic newsletter, free patterns, ebooks and other cool fun and free stuff.  It's simple:  Just fill in your email address and your first name.  I don't need anything else.

Please take a moment and sign up for some FUN!

Karen Pope is Madam Crocheterie, the Hooker By Night.  She CROCHETS in her spare moments, makes time for CROCHET,  and sells her creations on Etsy.  Follow her on Twitter, and Facebook.  Find her on Google+
She writes about CROCHET and creating a CROCHET Business

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nice Hat

My daughter-in-law likes to tell a story that involves one of her friends who got very aggravated with another driver over some infraction, real or imagined.  The two met at the next red traffic light and the other driver flung out some unkind words to my daughter-in-law's friend.  Expecting the friend to respond in kind, my daughter-in-law was surprised when her friend yelled out of the window to the other driver, "NICE HAT!"

Perhaps everyone could take a lesson from that event and yell, "NICE HAT!" to the next person who aggravates us.

The purpose of that story is to show off a cutsey crochet creation that I have titled, "Nice Hat."

I crocheted the Nice Hat right before the snow storm and was very happy to wear it to work today.  It doesn't keep my ears warm, though.

I used a pattern found in the December 2013 issue of Crochet World magazine on page 50.  I used Paton's Canadiana Yarn in Medium Gray Mix for the hat and Black for the band.  The beads are 6 x 9mm pony beads in clear translucent sparkle.  I had to increase the hook size to a "J" because the "F" hook made a hat only a child could wear.

Karen Pope is Madam Crocheterie, the Hooker By Night.  She CROCHETS in her spare moments, makes time for CROCHET,  and sells her creations on Etsy.  Follow her on Twitter, and Facebook.  Find her on Google+
She writes about CROCHET and creating a CROCHET Business

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year, New Post

It has been a crazy few months with moving into my new home and trying to get it set up properly.  Then, there was my yearly let's-see-if-I-can-totally-avoid-the holidays mind set and a 3 week long visit from my parents.

Realization set in that I have neglected my blog for quite some time.  I have neglected my online business.  I have neglected my Avon Business.  

The New Year is here and I have set a few goals for myself.

So, here is my 2014 Checklist:
  1. Make items to sell on Etsy and/or ebay
  2. Solidify the Steampunk Barbie ideas
  3. Update biz plan
  4. Market, Market, Market the ideas
  5. Complete Website

Karen Pope is Madam Crocheterie, the Hooker By Night.  She CROCHETS in her spare moments, makes time for CROCHET,  and sells her creations on Etsy.  Follow her on Twitter, and Facebook.  Find her on Google+
She writes about CROCHET and creating a CROCHET Business