Chronicling the steps to creating a SUCCESSFUL life.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Chandelier of Ideas

Everyone is busy. That doesn't even need to be said. We have tasks that we must do every day, like brushing teeth or eating. We have task we chose to do every day, like making the bed or reading.

In my case, not only do I have the necessary tasks, daily, I have to battle with my creativity. So many ideas. I don't get single bulb ideas, I get chandeliers of light bulbs over my head.

What normally happens is there is so much rolling around in my brain, that I get overwhelmed: Writing ideas, crochet projects, organization projects, business plans. Not to mention actually working to earn real money. (I am a scheduler with A Closer Look Mystery Shopping and I do mystery shops for several firms.) On top of that, I have grocery shopping, cooking, dish washing, laundry, finding time to work-out a few minutes every day, and sleeping.

From what I have read, to be truly effective, I have to set up a routine and make deadlines for myself. I'd rather chew on glass, however, there is merit to this suggestion. This is, I am most creative in the morning, but that is when so many of the "ordinary" tasks take up precious time. Better if I would ignore my mother's voice in my head telling me I have to make the bed and clean the kitchen before doing anything enjoyable.

I don't get single bulb ideas, I get chandeliers of light bulbs over my head.

Ideally, I would get up, make coffee and toast, then slam out two hours of solid creativity before making the bed and cleaning the kitchen. I could work on those new crochet patterns, write stories, create a business plan, mentally organize my closets.

Then, I could do my job, which is repetitive and not terribly creative. Then, after working a few hours, I could work on the actual crochet project. Another repetitive task that is closely akin to meditation.

Yes, I think this is a good plan.

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